The holidays are coming, and we are busy preparing to celebrate Christmas and New Year. Many people will celebrate at home with their loved ones and friends. It is a good idea to be aware of any problems with the flooring that may arise during the festivities. For example, spilt wine, coffee, grease, wax, etc., on the carpet or rug.
Proper carpet maintenance prevents wear of the fabrics and preserves the appearance as new for a considerably longer time. Here’s how cleaning experts deal with dust, hair, stubborn stains and all sorts of dirt on carpets in their homes.
Never rub stains on the carpet!

Professionals in carpet and rug washing say that the worst thing you can do is start rubbing the stain furiously because that’s how you spread the dirt around and get the ground even deeper into the fibres. It is a first signal reaction caused by panic, especially if your spilt is nasty and difficult to clean.
Notwithstanding, the primary thing you want to do is absorb the abundance of fluid from the floor covering with kitchen paper or a towel and apply exceptionally light tension. Assuming the stain is persistent (like chocolate or a thick sauce), you can eliminate the overabundance with a spoon, spatula, or gruff blade.
Keep these basic carpet and stain remover products on hand
Experts advise us to keep a stock of the following cleaning products at home at all times:

- Carbonated water: a great way to remove stains from beer or wine
- White vinegar: a mixture of water and vinegar can help you deal with fruit and juice stains
- Dishwashing cleanser: If you don’t have a particular rug cleaner or don’t know that you are utilising the correct item, you can be confident that a glass of warm water with two drops of dishwashing fluid will consistently help.
- Ammonia is a versatile ingredient for cleaning various stains (even organic contaminants such as urine, blood, or sweat!)
- Wet wipes: use them to deal with minor stains on your carpet easily
- Baking soda: a perfect remedy for removing foul odours from the carpet, including cigarettes, pet urine, and the smell of cooking.
- Hydrogen peroxide: if you dissolve a spoonful of the substance in 1 glass of water, you get an excellent detergent for removing stains from light carpets. As it has a slight whitening effect, please do not overdo it.
With the above items, you can blend a wide assortment of powerful means for eliminating stains and washing rugs at home. The vast majority of these fixings are available in the recipes of specific cleaning items. However, they are not destructive to people or pets, utilised in small amounts and broken up in much water.
Proper application of the technique of removing stains from carpet wax
Everyone has heard the family’s trick of removing candle stains with a newspaper and iron. But (there is a big “But” here), remember that the scheme is not universal, and if not done correctly, the stain of wax on the carpet becomes larger. You will best deal with the incident as follows:
First professional subtlety: If you spilt a large amount and do not want to wait, you can place an ice cube on the spilt substance to speed up the process. That will prevent the wax from spilling and absorbing deep into the fibres. It is crucial, especially if the candle you spilt has a rich colour. Quick freezing of the wax will keep the floor coverings from being painted.
Remove as much of the hardened pieces of carpet wax as you can with a spoon or oil knife.
Second professional subtlety: Do not use a newspaper to remove the wax – the ink can further stain the carpet. Instead, place a clean cotton material on the spot of the melted candle.
Third professional subtlety: Do not heat the iron to the max. Most current floor coverings contain fake strands that can dissolve because of high temperatures. You need no more than 40-50 degrees to remove the melted wax from the carpet. When you reach the required temperature, iron the cotton material you put on the wax without squeezing hard.
The softened wax passes from the rug to the towel. If the towel gets too drunk, take another. Otherwise, your efforts will be in vain.
Easy removal of fur and hair from the carpet
The fur of long-haired breeds of pets irritates the eye but is relatively easy to remove with a suitable vacuum cleaner tip. But what about the skin of short-haired pets? Short hair is more complex and quickly gets deep into the carpets in most cases. You could not clean it with the vacuum cleaner! You can use the following trick to remove hair from the mat: run the rubber edge of the window cleaner along the fibres after vacuuming. The tire will easily pull out even the shortest hairs stuck in the tissues, and you will not waste unnecessary time on this task.
Bonus tip from professionals
Basic cleaning and washing of the carpets prolong their life. So think about making an appointment for professional carpet washing at least once a year. They recommend basic cleaning twice a year for larger households with small children or pets.